News From Your Friends

We’re Almost There: Speak Up for Approval of an Agricultural Advisory Commission in Clark County!

October 23, 2024 in Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests, Responsible Development

Over the past several years, members of the farming community, including Friends of Clark County, the Clark/Cowlitz Farm Bureau, local farmers market organizers, and the Clark Conservation District have expressed to Clark County the need for agricultural interests to be represented in Clark County government.

Representation for Agriculture Benefits us All

Currently, there are NO voices representing the agricultural community, while the county has 33 citizen advisory boards, commissions, and groups that exist for the purpose of “advising County departments and the Clark County Council on a host of issues” (Source). Clark County has several boards and advisory groups representing the development, building, and construction industries who provide loud and sustained feedback, which have a tremendous impact on the direction and quality of life for residents of this county, yet no Agricultural Commission when open space, clean water protection, and food are essential to life. 

Planning for and supporting those feeding our community is just as important as housing and jobs, and farmers, nursery owners, floriculturists, dairy producers, livestock producers, berry growers, specialty crop growers, Christmas tree growers, equestrian farms, and others who want to ensure that agriculture remains a part of our future in Clark County deserve a formal say in local government.

An Agricultural Commission is Key to Addressing a Multitude of Critical Issues

An agricultural interest group could help guide local departments on a significant range of issues. These include land use, economic viability, climate change mitigation and resilience, farm programs that improve the industry’s profitability, and the health of the local food system, which promotes public health and security in the face of global supply chain issues.   

Most consequentially, supporting and expanding local sustainable agriculture is of utmost importance to addressing the climate emergency, including both our ability to adapt to increasingly extreme and devastating weather events caused by the warming effect of greenhouse gas—which the County must prepare for thanks to new state climate legislation.

Opportunity is on the Horizon


An effort was made in 2016 to create an Agriculture Advisory Board, but although the momentum seemed to exist among Commissioners, the majority voted no and the initiative died. We now have an opportunity to rebuild that momentum and finally bring into existence a commission that advises the Council on agricultural topics.

A proposal for creation of an Agriculture Advisory Commission was brought before the Councilors on October 10th, 2024 for discussion, and the Council unanimously supported moving ahead with public comment and a vote – hopefully before the end of November. 

Included in the list of possible functions are: advising and making policy recommendations to the Council and County Manager or other appropriate boards and commissions, such as the Planning Commission; providing recommendations on zoning, comprehensive planning, annexation issues; Legacy Lands acquisitions and other land use proposals that may affect agricultural activities; and providing a forum for those in the community interested in enhancing and promoting the sustainability of agriculture in our region. You can review the whole draft ordinance here.

Friends of Clark County has been working hard with our partners for years to ensure an Agricultural Advisory Commission comes to fruition in Clark County, now we need YOU to help us get it over the finish line! Voice your support for an Agricultural Advisory Commission today.

UPDATE: The creation of an Agricultural Advisory Commission for Clark County passed unanimously in November 2024.

Submitted by Ann Foster

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