Volunteer Opportunities

“Instructions for living a life. Pay attention.

Be astonished. Tell about it”

-Mary Oliver, Poet




Now more than ever, “we” get to decide how our future will unfold. By supporting Friends of Clark County with your donations, volunteer hours, and advocacy, we will continue to create and influence public policy for the greater good now and for generations to come.


Help us in our mission to:

  • Protect local farmlands and forests from urban sprawl.
  • Ensure that our natural resources and wildlife habitats are preserved for future generations.
  • Promote local food systems and farmers’ markets.
  • Support affordable housing and transportation programs.
  • Defend the goals of Washington’s Growth Management Act (GMA)
  • Engage with diverse communities through active outreach and education.
  • Preserve open spaces and parks.
  • Inspire economic development with balanced growth.
  • Influence local and regional policy makers.


If you would like to join our Board or become a Committee Member or Volunteer, please fill out our Volunteer Interest Application so we can learn more about you. After we receive your application, we will reach out to you with details about how you can become more involved with Friends of Clark County.

Together, we will become a stronger force for positive growth and change in Clark County.

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