Position Statements & Policy Recommendations

FOCC’s position on an important issue

Read About our Priorities on Housing in the Comp Plan Update

in Accountability, Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests, Housing & Transportation, Local Food Systems, Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations

We provided public comment at the Population, Housing, and Employment Hearing today emphasizing two important points: 1) Nothing in the current studies, reviews, or discussions justifies any urban growth area (UGA) expansions.     This position has been echoed by Clark County’s cities and by Community Development. Although both the Department of Commerce and Community […]

FBI Shooting Range at Camp Bonneville – Position Statement

in Accountability, Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations

We urge that Council and staff take the necessary steps to address the lack of transparency and record keeping with county contracts, specifically regarding the Camp Bonneville FBI shooting range, as well as multiple instances in which false information has been presented to Council and the public. The following provides a thorough explanation of the […]

Transparency for the Camp Bonneville Community Advisory Group (CAG) – Position Statement

in Accountability, Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers

After attending the March 20th Camp Bonneville Community Advisory Group (CAG) meeting and learning of subsequent developments regarding Camp Bonneville, we’d like to reiterate old concerns and express new ones, all falling under the theme of transparency. They are as follows: 1)  Spoken Public Testimony and the Uniqueness of the Proposed Charter: When asked about […]

Consolidated Report: Chelatchie Bluff Mine and Surrounding Industrial Plan

in Accountability, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests, Mining, Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations, Railroad, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers, Wildlife Habitats

Over the past 18 months, experts in the fields of hydrology, fish and wildlife, forestry, geology, and hydraulic engineering have collaborated to consolidate a report on the proposed surface mining on Chelatchie Bluff and the surrounding areas. The author and contributors conclude that should the Chelatchie Bluff mine be able to expand, it would mean […]

Preserving Farming and Local Food in Clark County: March 2024 Forum

in Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Events & Fundraising, Farmland & Forests, Local Food Systems, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations, Responsible Development, Wildlife Habitats

Thanks to all who attended our March 2024 Forum on Preserving Farming and Local Food in Clark County! And thank you again to our knowledgeable panelists! In case you missed it, or in case you want to go back and review all the great information that was shared, you can view the recording here: And […]

Freight Rail Dependent Uses (FRDU) Update – February 2024

in Mining, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations, Railroad, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers, Wildlife Habitats

Quite a bit has happened regarding the railroad since our last newsletter that included a background on the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad, Portland Vancouver Junction Railroad (PVJR), and the Freight Rail Dependent Uses (FRDU) controversy, as well as FOCC’s position on the matter. You can read up on those here before reading on for the latest […]

Legislative Update – February 2024

in Climate Change, Housing & Transportation, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations, Railroad, Responsible Development

The mid-session cutoff in the Washington State Legislature happened on February 13th. This means that the bills that did not get voted out of their chamber of origin are considered dead. There exists a chance for bills  to be resurrected in the budget process, but this is rare.  Following is an update on bills that […]

Responsible Planning for Growth: The 2025 Comprehensive Plan – February 2024 update

in Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Housing & Transportation, Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations, Railroad, Responsible Development

What is the Comp Plan?  The Growth Management Act (GMA) was adopted in 1990 to address growth in Washington State. Cities in counties over a certain size must do periodic Comp Plan updates in accordance with the GMA, while smaller counties may choose to do so. Cities within a county that plans under the GMA […]

Heritage Farm Sustainability Plan: Reconsider in Light of Climate Change and the Public Good

in Climate Change, Farmland & Forests, Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations

Heritage Farm is a 79-acre historic poor farm owned by Clark County and located just off of 78th Street in Hazel Dell. It is the site of many wonderful agricultural projects, mostly run by WSU Clark County Extension, including programs for agricultural research and education, food preservation, and health and wellness. In addition, rental garden […]

Camp Bonneville: Safety, Transparency, and Accessible Parks

in Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers, Wildlife Habitats

Camp Bonneville is a 3,840-acre property located in the foothills of the Cascade Range about 7 miles north of the Columbia River in East County that was used as a military training camp for 85 years.  Currently, it is not open to the public, is largely undeveloped, and over half of it is forested. After […]

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