Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act

Comprehensive Planning aligned with the Growth Management Act

What’s on our Radar – Week of February 3rd, 2025

in Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests

Last week:  1/28: The resolution to solidify the previous Council’s direction on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) hearing for the Comprehensive Plan Update was contemplated by the new Council. You can read our breakdown of what happened at that previous hearing on our website here:, and you can read the League of Women […]

Friends of Clark County Public Comment on the Climate Community Advisory Group’s Draft Goals and Policies

in Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests, Local Food Systems, Mining

Hello Clark County staff, CAG, and Environmental Justice Coalition (EJC) members, FOCC thanks you for your work thus far to create goals and policies for protecting Clark County residents, especially our children and grandchildren, from the dire impacts of the climate emergency by working together to recommend adaptation and mitigation measures. We recognize all of […]

Comprehensive Plan Update: Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Alternative Hearing Breakdown

in Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests

What is the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Comprehensive Plan Update and what was this hearing about? Clark County and its cities are updating their comprehensive plans. The land use alternatives proposed for the cities and the county will be evaluated as part of the Environmental Impact Statement for Clark County’s Comp Plan […]

FOCC’s Bold Vision for Agriculture in Clark County: View Part of Our Comprehensive Planning Comments to the Clark County Council

in Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests, General, Local Food Systems, Responsible Development

Our Bold Vision for Agriculture in Clark County *Not included in its entirety are FOCC’s full comments, including a 23-page executive summary of legal and advocacy arguments, 5 packets containing 6 additional letters, soil maps, photos, and other supplementary documentation sent to Clark County for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement alternatives hearing for the Comprehensive […]

Land Use, The Forgotten Climate Solution: Help Advocate for Friends of Clark County’s Climate Change Priorities

in Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests, Local Food Systems

Clark County’s public participation process is underway to collect feedback from residents on climate change for unincorporated Clark County. CLARK COUNTY WANTS AND NEEDS YOUR INPUT, so please take some time to learn about FOCC’s climate priorities that are targeted toward tackling the root causes of much of our climate woes: land use. The county’s […]

Fall Comprehensive Plan Update

in Accountability, Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests, Housing & Transportation, Local Food Systems, Mining

Photo from Clark County government Link to Clark County’s 2025 Comprehensive Planning page here: 2025 Update | Clark County ( In our last update, the County had adopted the Population and Employment allocation, which determines what future population and job numbers each of the cities and the county need to plan for. The county had […]

Important Public Service Opportunity: Apply for the Planning Commission!

in Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act

The County is seeking applicants for the Planning Commission. The term is 6 years, begins in January 2025, and meets twice a month. The Planning Commission is a seven-member committee that makes recommendations to the council on land-use planning, zoning and development in unincorporated Clark County. The commission also makes recommendations on issues such as […]

We’re Almost There: Speak Up for Approval of an Agricultural Advisory Commission in Clark County!

in Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests, Responsible Development

Over the past several years, members of the farming community, including Friends of Clark County, the Clark/Cowlitz Farm Bureau, local farmers market organizers, and the Clark Conservation District have expressed to Clark County the need for agricultural interests to be represented in Clark County government. Representation for Agriculture Benefits us All Currently, there are NO […]

Update and Background on the Chelatchie Bluff Surface Mining Overlay (SMO) on Forestland

in Accountability, Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests, Mining

What is a Surface Mining Overlay (SMO)? Surface mining refers to the removal of the terrain surface to access minerals underneath. An overlay “is a set of additional or stricter standards and criteria that are applied on top of existing land use designations or zoning districts” (Source). An overlay does not change the zoning that […]


in Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests, Mining

Date: On or before October 22nd at 10am Context: Clark County will hold a hearing to consider a proposal to repeal the Surface Mining Overlay (SMO) ordinance that could allow mining on 330 acres of prime Tier I forestlands at Chelatchie Bluff. This proposed action to repeal the ordinance is in response to the Growth […]

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