Imagine all the possibilities! All you have to do is take a stroll along the waterfront, visit historic parks, hike up forest and mountain trails, kayak down the river, spend an afternoon picnicking in the park, shop at the local farmer’s market, bike along the twisty roads, garden with your kids, or simply be in nature enjoying the diversity of wildlife. Clark County is a spectacular place to live, work, play and raise a family. That’s why Friends of Clark County wants to ensure this legacy continues and flourishes. We live in a special place. Let’s protect it for future generations!
Thursday, January 30th from 5 – 6:30 pm Pacific Time, Remote Only via Zoom. Register via Eventbrite here!
Join Friends of Clark County for a panel discussion on the importance of preserving and growing our forests, as well as implementing a plan to plant and maintain our tree canopy. At one time, Clark County had abundant forest lands, but they have slowly been decimated by haphazard development, urban sprawl, and climate-related drought, disease, and fire, as well as tree removal on private property.
Preserving the heritage of our rich farmland and forests here in Clark County is critical to our mission at Friends of Clark County. Given the uncertain nature of our global circumstances, protecting an ample supply of prime farm and forest lands is of paramount importance.
A scenic vision of waterways in Clark County provide us with unending beauty, recreational opportunities, fish and wildlife habitat and sustenance. Water is essential to local farming. Clean and abundant water is vital for all.
Understanding the range of habitats that species depend on for their survival, Friends of Clark County believes we need to protect and restore those areas to ensure biological diversity in SW Washington.
Local food provides many benefits. Developing a thriving, local food system in Clark County is essential in the wake of our uncertain global food economy. Friends of Clark County is educating people about the urgency of developing a resilient local food economy and supports local farmers and ranchers.
Friends of Clark County advocates for creating connected communities by linking affordable housing developments with diverse public transportation options, meeting our growing population demands while protecting our resources and the environment.
Exploring natural places provides renewal, feelings of well-being, and a sense of harmony with the broader community. In Clark County, the presence of protected natural areas within our urban fabric can serve to counter-balance the stress and strain of modern life.