Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces

“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.”

– Edward Abbey, Writer


Neighborhoods Flourish with More Vibrant Spaces

Exploring natural places provides renewal, feelings of well-being, and a sense of harmony with the broader community. In Clark County, the presence of protected natural areas within our urban fabric can serve to counter-balance the stress and strain of modern life.  Friends of Clark County would like to see more parks, trails and open spaces in all neighborhoods, urban and rural, to be enjoyed by all.

Parks, trails and open spaces are what we most associate with ‘livability’ in our community.  These amenities are the reason we live here and the reason folks are attracted to our area – to locate businesses, to visit, to reside and raise their families.

Parks and Trails

It is important that access to parks, trails and natural areas are nearby and available for residents of every ability and background in the county to enjoy.  Equitable and welcoming access throughout the county should be a goal of each park department in the county.  Many children are missing outdoor experiences in their lives and for both young and old there are positive health outcomes when we are active outside with active sports or a quiet walk.

These public spaces also offer opportunity to manage compatibly with nature, encourage volunteer engagement and collaborative native plant and waterway restoration.  Ample access to parks, trails and open spaces in our neighborhoods benefit us all.


Here are some useful links:

Clark County Parks Department

Map of Greater Clark Park District Parks

Map of Clark County Open Space Legacy Lands

City of Battle Ground

City of Camas Parks and Rec.

City of LaCenter

City of Ridgefield

City of Yacolt


Parks and Trails

GMA Goal (9) Open Space and Recreation. Retain open space, enhance recreational opportunities, conserve fish and wildlife habitat, increase access to natural resource lands and water, and develop parks and recreation facilities. 


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