Our expertise runs wide and deep, most notably in the areas of land use planning, fish and wildlife protection, civic engagement, non-profit management, watershed restoration and salmon recovery, local farming and food systems. We actively engage on issues by providing well researched testimony to policy makers.
We are currently recruiting for new Board Members and Committee Members. If you are interested in joining our Board or a Committee, click here to apply. We welcome your voice, your diversity and your special interests. During these critical times, we recognize that our success depends on deeper community engagement.
President: Ann Foster, annfoster5093@gmail.com, Cell: 360-600-0100
After earning a BA from the University of Wisconsin in the ‘60’s, Ann spent a few years in the early days of the Peace Corps developing and honing her skills and passion for adventurous and altruistic pursuits. Once primed, she settled in on a long career in the exploding world of technology. Starting in 1974 with Hewlett-Packard in Northern California, Ann worked with entrepreneurs and micro-businesses. This immersion ultimately spurred a lifelong interest in the nurturing and supporting of small local businesses in the community.
Once retired, and with some well-honed project management skills, Ann organized the farmers market in Salmon Creek, north of Vancouver. The market opened in July of 2010 and is now preparing for its sixth successful year; a second market in Salmon Creek at the entrance to Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center was opened in 2012. In her capacity as organizer for these Farmers Markets, Ann devotes much of her time in support of family farmers, small business owners and local entrepreneurs in Clark County.
She currently serves on the board of the Washington State Farmers Market Association and on the Clark County Food System Council. As a Board Member of Friends of Clark County, Ann works to preserve small acreage family, food-producing farms in SW Washington.
Vice President: Diane Dempster, dianedempster36@gmail.com
Diane recently retired from Charlie’s Produce, Seattle where she managed their purchasing program for local organic growers called Farmer’s Own as well as doing sales, purchasing and organizing events. Previously she worked for two different growers’ co-ops and has over 35 years working with growers and the produce industry. She also served on the Boards of Tilth Producers of Washington and PCC Farmland Trust. She served on the Organic Advisory Board for the WSDA Organic Program and represented Charlie’s Produce on the Food Policy Forum. She currently serves on Board of the Clark County Food Systems Council and chairs FOCC’s development committee.
Secretary: Val Alexander, coyoteridge@tds.net Cell: 360-607-8797
Val is a founding board member of Friends of Clark County. She is a retired operating room nurse and runs an organic farm north of La Center raising fruits and vegetables. She and her partner Kelly Lindgren enjoy producing nutritious produce and work hard to protect rural lands for farming and habitat. Val is also on the board of Friends of the East Fork and is a member of Sierra Club and Vancouver Audubon.
Treasurer: Jackie Lane, mlane@msn.com
Jackie Lane is a recently retired Technology Manager, after decades of experience primarily in financial services. As a retirement present to herself, she went through Leadership Clark County, graduating in the class of 2017. This experience connected Jackie to local non-profits and was an education in local government, history, social services, etc. Since then, Jackie has volunteered with Share Vancouver, joined the League of Women Voters, and participates in other organizations in the non-profit and political arenas. She is on the board of the Battle Ground Education Foundation, and joined the board of Friends of Clark County in 2019. She grew up in New Jersey, lived in Indiana for 2 years, Southern California for 12, and has lived in Clark County, WA since 1991.
Jim Byrne, byrnejim7@gmail.com
Raised in Brooklyn, NY, Jim found Boy Scouts as a road to the outdoors. He has a BA in History, and Anthropology. He also has a MS in Aquaculture. He served 28 years with the Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, all in SW Washington working with bull trout, salmon and steelhead. He is also on the Boards of the Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group and Friends of the East Fork. He is a member of the Citizens Climate Lobby. His interests are fish, fishing and maintaining cold water fish habitats and working on environmental and riparian issues for Friends. Jim has taken the lead for FOCC on the update of the Shoreline Master Program in Clark County.
Richard Dyrland, toppacific2@msn.com, Cell: 360-887-0866
Richard is a graduate Program and Policy Analyst and a trained hydrologist with extensive experience with the U.S. Forest Service and Department of Agriculture in Natural Resources Management, planning, designing and implementing fish habitat and watershed restoration. He has authored many publications regarding establishment of fish habitat projects and design. Currently, he serves as President of Friends of the East Fork, a group dedicated to preserving habitat for fish. He lives with his wife Sunee near the East Fork Lewis River.
Mo McKenna, momoflowerfarm@gmail.com
Mo McKenna owns a small farm in Clark County, MoMo Flower Farm, which focuses on growing and designing flowers for weddings and events. Preserving farmland is critical in our rapidly suburbanizing county and Mo is active in farmland conservation efforts and focused on helping create an economically viable local network of flower farms. Like many in the agricultural sector, Mo also works an off-farm job at a national nonprofit, InsideTrack, which aims to fuel social mobility and close equity gaps by empowering and advancing all individuals to achieve their education and career goals. Mo was raised gardening and honed her skills by working at organic and permaculture farms in Costa Rica, North Carolina, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Oregon. Mo earned a bachelors degree in Sustainable Agriculture from Warren Wilson College in North Carolina and a masters degree in Rural Sociology and Latin American Studies from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Mary Goody, marygoody65@gmail.com
Mary Goody is a semi-retired licensed private investigator working on death penalty cases as a mitigation specialist across the United States. She resides in Battle Ground, WA. Mary was raised near the Canadian border in the forests of Northern Minnesota and has always had a great love for forests and an interest in small agricultural projects. Prior to becoming an mitigation specialist, Mary worked in land use areas, including assisting in researching and re-writing the comprehensive plan for the City of Cave Junction, Oregon. Mary has extensive experience in litigation. She has deep concerns about the future of our environment, and how to preserve the essence and beauty of Clark County and the Pacific Northwest in this time of climate crisis.
Justin Burger, justin@burgerfamilyfarm.com
Justin Burger owns and operates a small vegetable farm and honor-system farm market just outside Yacolt, Washington. With deep roots in agriculture, Justin previously participated in the Oregon State Master Gardener Program, where he shared his expertise by providing gardening advice at the Gresham Farmers Market and through the Master Gardener Helpline. Beyond farming, Justin supports local small businesses as a fractional Chief Technology Officer, drawing on over 20 years of experience in software engineering within the healthcare and finance sectors.
Justin’s passion for open spaces and natural landscapes began in childhood, traveling across the United States in the back of a 1971 VW Bus while visiting National Parks and Forests with his family. Today, he remains an avid backpacker and hiker, dedicating his free time to exploring the Pacific Northwest’s rich wilderness. Protecting forests, farmland, and open spaces remains central to Justin’s values, driving his commitment to preserving these resources for future generations. His diverse background and deep appreciation for the outdoors inform his service on the nonprofit board, where he advocates for sustainable practices and community-driven conservation efforts.
Karissa Halstrom, Community Outreach Coordinator (Staff), karissa.halstrom@hotmail.com
Karissa is FOCC’s Community Outreach Coordinator with a focus on communications, social media management, and events. For years, Karissa has been involved in various climate and environmental activism efforts, starting with the Don Orange Campaign for Port Commissioner who was running against the proposed oil terminal for the Port of Vancouver. She has volunteered with the Sunrise Movement and was a Chat Desk Volunteer for the Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign. In 2021, she launched the Vancouver Free Fridge Project and a local podcast, “Everything is Fine in SWWA”. Karissa holds a degree in Sociology with a Minor in Environmental Science from Washington State University. She is passionate about climate advocacy because of the future she hopes to build for her young daughter.
Farewell to our dear Sydney Reisbick who led Friends of Clark County for five years as president and was a gifted advocate for the protection of our environment, its wildlife and special places that make our community a beautiful place to live.
Edward O. Wilson, Biologist