Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers

Clean Water

FOCC Supports Friends of the Columbia Gorge Against 356th Public Road Dedication Request by Zimmerly Mining

in Accountability, Climate Change, Mining, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers, Wildlife Habitats

(Photo from Friends of the Columbia Gorge) For a brief background on this issue, read the Columbian’s coverage here. Read Friends of the Columbia Gorge’s history of Zimmerly’s egregious and illegal behavior here. Continue reading to review Friends of Clark County’s public comment submitted for the 356th Avenue road dedication decision: Friends of Clark County, […]

Friends of Clark County and Farmers Support NO on 2117: Help Us Defend Washington State’s Climate Commitment Act

in Climate Change, Farmland & Forests, Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers, Wildlife Habitats

With just two weeks until Election Day and ballots already in your mailbox, there is no doubt that you’ve heard some rumblings about a slate of initiatives that were purchased by a single hedge-fund millionaire from California, Brian Heywood, sponsor of the Let’s Go Washington campaign. One of the most frightening of these is Initiative […]

Don’t Dabble with Dabbler: FOCC Needs Your Help Saving The Dabbler Forest

in Climate Change, Farmland & Forests, Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers, Wildlife Habitats

What is it? “Dabbler” is a name given by the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to three forested units it manages in Clark County comprising 156 acres of legacy forest that are slated to be auctioned off at a timber sale set for November. FOCC opposes this timber sale and you can read our […]

FOCC asks Clark County to take important steps in management of Camp Bonneville

in Accountability, Climate Change, Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers

FOCC asks the County to permanently close the Camp Bonneville shooting range, establish a permanent Camp Bonneville Citizens Advisory Group (CAG), and establish a Camp Bonneville Safety Evaluation Panel (SEP) which will allow the county to regain control of and properly manage the property in order to protect the health, safety, well-being, and interests of […]

FRDU CALL-TO-ACTION to Protect Clark County from Portland Vancouver Junction Railroad (PVJR) and Eric Temple: Write a Letter to Ecology Opposing PVJR’s Stormwater Permit Application for Barberton (DUE JUNE 22ND)

in Accountability, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests, Mining, Railroad, Responsible Development, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers

What’s the issue? PVJR is seeking a Construction Stormwater NPDES and State Waste Discharge General Permit for industrial construction activities disturbing 25.79 acres of soil to be discharged into Curtin Creek in Barberton. What’s the action? Submit public comment to the Washington State Department of Ecology. Ecology reviews public comments and considers whether discharges from […]

Our Comments for Clark County’s Environmental Impact Scoping on the Comprehensive Plan Update

in Climate Change, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests, Local Food Systems, Mining, Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces, Railroad, Responsible Development, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers, Wildlife Habitats

FOCC agrees the comprehensive plan, and the development it could authorize, is likely to have many different and significant probable adverse impacts on the environment and, thus, agree with the County’s determination that an EIS is required.  FOCC agrees with Futurewise that building for growth cannot take precedence over the need for maintaining, protecting, and […]

Our Responses: Stormwater Survey

in Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Responsible Development, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers, Wildlife Habitats

Clark County Public Works recently released a Stormwater Survey – due by April 22nd: https://clark.wa.gov/public-works/stormwater If you are concerned about clean water, healthy fish populations, and water management, we highly recommend that you fill out the survey! When we took the survey, we found ourselves putting a lot of comments in the “other” category. We […]

Transparency for the Camp Bonneville Community Advisory Group (CAG) – Position Statement

in Accountability, Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers

After attending the March 20th Camp Bonneville Community Advisory Group (CAG) meeting and learning of subsequent developments regarding Camp Bonneville, we’d like to reiterate old concerns and express new ones, all falling under the theme of transparency. They are as follows: 1)  Spoken Public Testimony and the Uniqueness of the Proposed Charter: When asked about […]

Consolidated Report: Chelatchie Bluff Mine and Surrounding Industrial Plan

in Accountability, Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Farmland & Forests, Mining, Parks, Trails, & Open Spaces, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations, Railroad, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers, Wildlife Habitats

Over the past 18 months, experts in the fields of hydrology, fish and wildlife, forestry, geology, and hydraulic engineering have collaborated to consolidate a report on the proposed surface mining on Chelatchie Bluff and the surrounding areas. The author and contributors conclude that should the Chelatchie Bluff mine be able to expand, it would mean […]

Freight Rail Dependent Uses (FRDU) Update – February 2024

in Mining, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations, Railroad, Rivers, Lakes & Aquifers, Wildlife Habitats

Quite a bit has happened regarding the railroad since our last newsletter that included a background on the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad, Portland Vancouver Junction Railroad (PVJR), and the Freight Rail Dependent Uses (FRDU) controversy, as well as FOCC’s position on the matter. You can read up on those here before reading on for the latest […]

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