News From Your Friends

Welcoming Mo McKenna

March 18, 2023 in Farmland & Forests, General

It is with great pleasure that I welcome a new member to our Friends of Clark County board.  Mo McKenna, of MoMo Flower Farm in Ridgefield has joined the board and has immediately contributed new energy, awareness, perspective and insights to the group.

Although you are welcome to take a peek at Mo’s bio on the website, I’ll point out here that she has a full time career as Director Partner Development of InsideTrack.  This is a national nonprofit that fosters equitable access to opportunity for all learners by partnering with higher education institutions, employers, unions, public entities and foundations.

She and her husband also own MoMo Flower Farm, growing and selling cut flowers in a diverse, no-till farmscape.  Twelve years ago or so she developed and implemented programs at several farmers markets in the Portland area all the while working at various farms as either a volunteer or ag worker (including Costa Rica!).  Mo has a degree in Sustainable Agriculture from Warren Wilson College in North Carolina and an MA in Latin American Studies from the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

Mo has become an active advocate for sustainable farming practices and farmland protection in Clark County – a perfect fit for Friends of Clark County and a plus for Clark County.

Welcome, Mo McKenna!

Submitted by Ann Foster, Board President

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