Comprehensive Plan Update – March 2023
March 18, 2023
in Comprehensive Plan & Growth Management Act, Housing & Transportation, Position Statements & Policy Recommendations
Comprehensive Planning is a requirement of the Growth Management Act, and Clark County and its cities are required to complete their next plans by mid-2025. These plans will define where growth occurs for the next twenty years.
Cities also have planning efforts, so check out your city webpage as well. For example, Vancouver lets you sign up for updates here.
Status Updates
- Vacant Buildable Lands Model complete – defines how many people can be accommodated within current city Urban Growth Areas.
- Public Participation Plan in progress. Public hearing March 21 @ 6:00 pm as part of the County Council meeting. You can join a County Council meeting either in person, online, or watch via CVTV.
- County to host Information Sessions on Comprehensive Plan update on March 29 from 1:30 – 4:30. WIll be recorded and available later on CVTV.
- Population estimates provided by the State; County will pick from low, medium and high at the April 18th 6:00 pm Council meeting. If they pick high they will grow the UGBs, resulting in unnecessary sprawl. Rumor has it the cities oppose this.
- It is worth noting that the county manages growth & development within UGAs until and unless those areas are annexed.
- State Legislation impacting the GMA that we hope passes:
- HB 1181/SB 5203 – Mitigating the effects of Climate change
- HB 1110/SB5190 – Increasing housing options with Middle Housing
- HB 1517/SB 5466 – Transit Oriented Development
- Find each bill’s status and more information here and visit Futurewise for state actions.
In other local land-use news, the County will host a work session about the 179th Street Access Management and Circulation Plan on March 29.
Further resources
- Please make sure you are following Friends of Clark County for announcements, newsletters, action alerts, forums and more.
- Campaign for A People’s Clark County, WA is the effort of a local resident and member of Alliance for Community Engagement seeking to partner with other individuals and community organizations, including those serving young people and under-represented groups, to generate interest in the update. Please “Like” their page and share with your community.
- The League of Women Voters of Clark County is also following this closely, and has a blog specifically focused on Land Use.