News From Your Friends

Become a Friends of Clark County Board Member

September 24, 2024 in General




Hello Friends,

There is a lot to fight for in Clark County, especially as we move through the once-in-a-decade Comprehensive Plan Update process (due in 2025) that is currently underway. While we make the most out of our small Board and dedicated volunteers, we are working to build out our team for maximum impact in protecting everything we love and need to thrive in this precious region we call home.

Do you love Friends of Clark County? Do you care about and specialize in environmental issues such as water, climate, wildlife, or forests? Do you have a land use background? Are you involved in or following county government proceedings? Are you an experienced public speaker, organizer, writer, or fundraiser? FOCC needs you!

FOCC is also looking to diversify our Board, so those of all backgrounds, age, race, ethnicity, and life experience are encouraged to apply!

Below is a snippet from our Board Member Expectations. If you are interested in joining the team, please inquire at

Board Member Expectations

All FOCC Board Members are responsible for the health and well-being of the organization. FOCC is a non-profit 501(c)3 and therefore is subject to IRS requirements for legitimate bylaws that determine its infrastructure. 

Our Vision

FOCC envisions a flourishing Clark County thriving with local farms, healthy forests, clean water, protected wildlife habitats and neighborhoods that are vibrant and diverse with parks and natural areas accessible to all.

Our Mission

FOCC’s mission is to promote responsible growth in Clark County that protects local farms, healthy forests, clean water, abundant fish and wildlife and creates safe, vibrant and equitable communities.

All Board Members are expected to also be Members that contribute financially to the organization in any amount. The FOCC Board is a working board, meaning that Board Members are expected to participate in FOCC activities on a regular basis and contribute time to ensure the success of the organization.

A Board Member is expected to have a degree of interest and understanding of how Clark County government functions and its major priorities, such as land use planning, housing, transportation, the Growth Management Act, awareness of who sits on the County Council, and who occupies the County Manager position. In addition, some experience with the Planning Commission or any other advisory group that works with Clark County is helpful, but not required.

A Board Member should expect to spend three hours or more a week on FOCC business, depending upon the area of interest of that Board Member and what Committee(s) they sit on. Typically, a Board Member is expected to review and possibly edit correspondence, legal materials, meeting notes and other documents; and to  speak at public hearings when necessary.  

A Board Member who serves on the Executive Board (i.e. President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary) can expect to spend up to four hours a week, depending upon the position.

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